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Critical comment on Tromlitz, The Keyed Flute

in Ardal Powell's translation and study:

"Enlightening, intelligently organised and very elaborately annotated . . . Bravo"

Jaap Frank, in FoMRHI Quarterly

"A lengthy introduction . . .ranges through the whole history of the flute throughout Europe in the second half of the 18th century, and this is backed up with an appendix on flutemaking and a list of surviving instruments. Criticism and defence of Tromlitz's publications is also included."

Clifford Bartlett, in Early Music Review

"Exemplary and exhaustive scholarship . . . A must for music research libraries and wind instrument historians."

Jane Ambrose, in Choice

". . . an attentive translation of the text, . . . fluid and accurate . . . an important contribution to the history of the flute in the period 1750-1805. . . an astonishing store of information."

Gianni Lazzari, in Bolletino della SIFTS

". . . an informative guide for all flutists . . . Rarely are technical texts in German so neatly yet comfortably rendered into enjoyable English."

Peter Bloom, in the Journal of the American Musical Instrument Society

Other books by Tromlitz (English and German)

Contents of The Keyed Flute
1. The Flute Market in Late Eighteenth-Century Europe: Tutors, Instruments, Music, and Performance
2. Aspects of Flute-Playing in Late Eighteenth-Century Europe
3. Tromlitz, his Flutes, and the 1800 Tutor
4. Conclusion
Text of The Keyed Flute, by Johann George Tromlitz
1. The Origins of the Keyed Flute
2. The Locations of the Keys, and What they are For
3. How to Use the Keys
4. The Fingering of the Eight-Keyed Flute
5. The Scales on the Eight-Keyed Flute
6. The Trills on the Eight-Keyed Flute
7. Various Arrangements of the Keys; the Long Footjoint to C' and C#'; Various Other Points concerning the Exterior Design of the Instrument
8. The Nature of the Keys, of the Springs Beneath them, and of the Pads
I. The flutes of the late eighteenth century
II. To the Musical Public, by J. G. Tromlitz
III. Critique of The Keyed Flute, by H. Grenser
IV. `Essay of an acoustic' by J. H. Liebeskind
V. Allgemeine Musikalische Zeitung thread beginning with `Modest inquiries . . . ' [extract], by A. Andre, ending with `Essay on a beautiful tone' by J. G. Tromlitz
VI. `The defects of the flute' [extract] by H. W. T. Pottgiesser
14 Figures, 4 Tables, Register of Instruments Cited, Bibliography, Sources, Index

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