Although this page uses the "voice" of Johann George
Tromlitz (1725-1805), it was in fact written by me,
Powell (1958- ) translator of Tromlitz's two major
flute method books into English and maker of copies
of the special flutes he invented.
Please do not be confused by the fact that this page
appears to be written in the first person by an individual
who is obviously dead. The intention is not to decieve
anyone as to the authorship of the material, but to
make it as easily accessible as the homepages of people
still living. Anyone who wishes to learn about Tromlitz
in words that are truly his own may consult
his published writings in the original German, or,
as a second-best expedient, use my published English
translations. All these are listed in the Johann George
Tromlitz homepage.
I hope this statement of authorship removes any possibility
of confusion as to who the author of this page is.