Michel Blavet (1700-68)
Blavet was by all accounts the most brilliant French
flute virtuoso in the first half of the eighteenth century.
The son of a turner, he taught himself to play almost
all instruments, specialising in flute, which he played
left-handed, and bassoon. He made his debut playing
a concerto (a totally new form of musical composition)
at the newly-formed Concert spirituel in 1726. Numerous
enthusiastic reports of Blavet's effect on his audience
indicate that the 'exciting, exact, and brilliant' style
of his playing made the flute even more popular in France,
where the instrument had previously been played only
in a languorous manner. Listeners also noted his extremely
accurate intonation
even in difficult keys, though his published pieces,
intended for amateurs to play, were set only in the
easiest tonalities.
Blavet held important posts in French music throughout
his career, including posts at court and in the Paris
opera. He played quartets with Telemann when that composer
visited Paris, and became freindly with Quantz
on the latter's visit to Paris in 1726. Blavet later
turned down a post at Frederick the Great's court that
Quantz eventually accepted, after the pay had been raised
to an extrremely high level.